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Airsoft LARP Combat Rules

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Airsoft LARP Combat Rules Empty Airsoft LARP Combat Rules

Post  nWo Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:38 pm

Here is the mock up example of the rules for my airsoft larp I've been working on. I've got a lot of stuff left to do with this (mainly putting the re-vamped engine down on paper/screen). I'm putting up this .pdf as an example of how the book will look like once it goes to print. I want to have this done before Archon this fall so I can get at able set up and start advertising it etc. This is the final version of the combat rules. I still have to add in the little stuff like headers and footers, page numbers, etc... plus I have to dress up some of the text with some fancy font's I have (lost on my laptop at Crossers house).


Heres a quick over view of the game...

The combat rules are as listed in this .pdf. This is essentially the combat engine of the beast. Everything else is support to this section to put meat on the skeleton.

Characters: You basically have three stats covering physical, mental, and soul. These are your base stat numbers you will use when comparing against a static number for a variety of tests that you encounter throughout an event. YOu also have a stat value of HP which is = to your Physical stat plus any skill bonus.

Skills: These are broken into categories that are governed by the stats. They are basically modifiers that you will add to your stat score.

Items & Equipment: These are items that you can use in the game to give you bonus's to your stats (in addition to relevent skills. Sometimes in place of them if you have no skill). These will be graphic intensive and printed on playing card type stock. They have information on them such as cost, bonus to stat, etc. These cards are all placed inside of an envelope called your body bag, which is carried with you. When you die, you drop your body bag where you fell before you go to respawn. You can then return to the location of your death and hope to reclaim it if it's not already looted. Some items cannot be removed or looted without certain abilities/skills (like remove cybernetic implants or a mystically bound item that reappears at your re-spawn location with you).

Cybernetics: This is hardware you can have in/on you. You can add a hard drive for example and upload limited use "skill sets", or you can have shock absorbers (allow you to ignore stun effect for each absorber installed), internal amor plating, augmentations that allow you to do some nifty feats like ignore bbs as you rush for a five count, and so on. Each augmentation you take reduces your point value of your soul. This can get tricky as some magics / psychic attacks feed/drain off soul points. Some magic / psych require soul to power them.

Other modifiers: Once you reach 1/2 of your initial hit point value, you are considered bloodied and suffer a -1 pt deduction from your stat checks for every point at or below this value. For example, if you have 10 HP to start, once bloodied (at 5hp) you suffer a -1 modifier to your stat checks.

Thats basically it. I need some help with some of the production stuff for the book. Mainly some type monkies as well as some creative writing for the campaign setting for the game. I have the setting more or less hashed out, but it needs to be all fancy and stuff. If anyones interested in helping with this lil' project, let me know.

Your feed back is apprecaited, so let me hear it.


Posts : 22
Join date : 2008-07-04

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Airsoft LARP Combat Rules Empty Re: Airsoft LARP Combat Rules

Post  nWo Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:38 pm

Just realized that the link to the .pdf doesn't look like a link. The black lettered words
NEMORALIS: AIRSOFT is the link in the first post. Whoopsy. Hope that wasn't confusing for anyone.


Posts : 22
Join date : 2008-07-04

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Airsoft LARP Combat Rules Empty Re: Airsoft LARP Combat Rules

Post  Harkael Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:19 pm

Looks pretty good so far, just needs a little touch-up here and there. Let me know what kinds of things you are looking to have written up and I'll start banging out something. Also it would be great to get a chance to playtest this with a decent sized group before presenting it.

Also...check your messages will.

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Join date : 2008-07-05
Age : 39

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Airsoft LARP Combat Rules Empty Re: Airsoft LARP Combat Rules

Post  nWo Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:19 pm

Check your pm inbox. The letter on your behalf is sent.

Posts : 22
Join date : 2008-07-04

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